Get Your Lawn Ready For Spring

Spring is in the air in Clifton Park! Daffodils and forsythia are blooming and leaves are emerging on burning bushes and maples. Now is the time to take some simple steps to ensure your lawn is lush and thick throughout the summer.

  1. Rake. Raking is spring-cleaning for your lawn and is the very first thing to do when preparing your lawn for new growth. Raking in the spring is not about leaves, it is about thatch. Thatch is the layer of dead turfgrass lying between the grass and the root system. If this layer becomes too thick, it can be bad for your grass. When your lawn is just starting to green up, start raking vigorously!

  2. Soil Testing. Your lawn needs the right soil to grow. A simple test will tell you if you need to raise or lower soil pH.

  3. Overseed. A good raking may uncover bare patches caused by dots, heavy traffic, or neglect. Overseeding, or spreading seed, in the dead patches is the best way to fill them in. While you’re at it, overseeding your entire lawn will help ensure a thick, healthy lawn.

  4. Weed Treatment. When you live in Upstate New York, you are well familiar with things like dandelions and crabgrass that can take over an otherwise healthy lawn. Acting in the spring, before they emerge, is the best way to win the weed battle.

  5. Lawnmower Maintenance. When your work results in a growing lawn, be ready for it! Dig out the lawnmower, change the oil, sharpen the blades, and make sure you have fuel.

These steps will set you up for a lawn you and your family will enjoy all summer long!

Not sure you want to do all this on your own?

Let JP's Cutting Edge do it all for you!

Nicholas Marshall